Martes, Oktubre 28, 2014

Philippine Biodiversity

    This week's NSTP session was about the Biodiversity and Conservation in the Philippines. The Philippines is one of the world's 17 megadiverse countries, with over 9000 (excuse the DBZ joke if you get it) species of plants, 600+ species of birds, 191 species of mammals, 20000+ species of insects, 111 species of amphibians, and 270 species of reptiles within it's borders. It's waters are also claimed to be the most diverse in the world, and many of the species found within it's borders are also endemic to the country. It is a biological hotspot for animals and plants ranging from all shapes, sizes, and colors. 

    The level of biodiversity found in the Philippines is amazing, with new discoveries being found every year, but with every year comes new challenges. More and more habitats are being destroyed to make lumber or farmland, and rare endemic species are being hunted to be sold on the black market to private collectors or for their exotic pelts and bones. Over 400 endemic species in the Philippines are already threatened or worse. Recently, one of the last male Northern White Rhino's was found dead, leaving the subspecies functionally extinct. Hopefully, through the efforts of conservation groups like the Haribon Foundation, that will not happen here. 

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